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What Happens if You Have Iron Deficiency
To understand what the lack of iron does to the body, you should remember its roles in the body. The most important thing to keep in mind is that iron is vital for blood production, oxygen transportation, energy metabolism, and immune function. At least a quarter of the iron in the body is stored in cells and circulated in the blood, which means that if the iron level is low, hemoglobin level is also low. Oxygen transfer to the tissues is inadequate. This condition then leads to iron deficiency, or a worse condition called iron deficiency anemia.

Iron Deficiency Anaemia
This is a common type of anemia especially for women who still have their menstruation. Usually a person with anemia experiences frequent fatigue, cold hands and feet, weakness, pale skin, headache, lightheadedness, dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, fast heartbeat, inflammation, brittle nails, dry and damaged skin and hair, poor appetite, restless legs, swelling or soreness of the mouth or tongue, frequent infections, anxiety, and unusual cravings.
Some of these symptoms may be mistaken for other conditions, so make sure to get a proper checkup to determine if you have another undiagnosed illness. Restless legs is a syndrome that is usually most obvious at night. The person experiences at urge to move the leg even at rest because of a tingling or crawling sensation.

Sometimes iron deficiency anemia is caused by the body’s inability to absorb iron. If this is the case, supplements will not be enough. Disorders such as celiac disease can affect not only how nutrients are absorbed in the body but the accumulation of the unused nutrients can also cause various other symptoms.
Iron Requirements and Sources
Iron level requirements is about 1.8 milligrams daily, but not all of it is used by the body. Although you can supplement your iron intake with ferrous sulfate tablets, you also need to have enough vitamin C to help your body absorb and use that iron.

The following are iron-rich food that you must include in your diet:
- Fish, shellfish, mussels, clams
- Chicken, turkey, beef, pork, veal, lamb, liver, and any red meat
- Green leafy vegetables, tofu, bean sprouts, tomatoes, potatoes, green beans, corn, beets, peas
- Grapefruit, kiwi, oranges, melons, strawberries, tangerines
- Iron-fortified pasta, bread, and cereals

Some food may inhibit iron absorption, so you might want to limit your consumption of coffee and tea. Instead, eat more dairy and whole grain food to help your body absorb and use iron. Supplements might help, but you should keep in mind that there can be unpleasant side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, nausea, and stomach pains.
Infants are recommended to drink only breast milk until 2 years of age. If the parents are unable to do so, however, iron-fortified formula is a good substitute. Toddlers should be fed pureed meat and fortified cereals at least twice daily.
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How Drinking Tea Improves Your Health—and Your Looks
With so many health benefits attached to drinking tea, one can consider it as a “miracle” drink. It effectively lowers cholesterol count, prevents the risk of blindness and dementia, and protects you from potential allergies.
Regardless, did you know that a generous amount of tea on the daily is powerful enough to make you feel good and look good at the same time? That’s right, tea is truly a “miracle” drink since it can also improve your physical appearance and help you look good in general.
Protects your smile
While there is a negative connotation on how drinking tea affects your teeth’s appearance (making it terrible), you might actually want to think otherwise. The belief is said to be a general stereotype. In fact, tea has tannins and fluoride which helps decrease the buildup of plaque and prevents tooth decay. If you combine it with a healthy dental hygiene regimen, you may effectively keep your teeth healthier!
Zero calories
You don’t have to go for diet cola or a zero calorie soda if you want a calorie-free drink. Tea is a healthier option. In its bare form, tea has zero calories. Should you choose to add milk or sweeteners, it is still considerably low in calories compared to other drinks sold in the market. That makes it a satisfying, guilt-free drink which helps you prepare for the day ahead.
Prevents acne breakouts
Tea is notably good for the skin. It has been a common ingredient among skincare products such as facial masks and cleansers, but drinking tea is notably much more effective when it comes to preventing acne breakouts. This is because tea contains rich levels of antioxidants, which has an effect on acne. If you want a youthful and radiant-looking skin, drinking tea will increase your chances of achieving one.
Increases metabolism
If you want to shed a few pounds or get your summer body ready, drink tea more often. Studies suggest that green tea boosts one’s metabolic rate, enabling you to burn additional calories per day than the usual. Tea is also popular among weight-loss programs and is encouraged by fitness trainers to be drank regularly. Over time, you will undoubtedly notice the effect of drinking tea on your weight and body.
Helps bad breath
Tea contains natural compounds such as polyphenols, which notably helps in preventing the occurrence of bad breath. While mints and breath-freshening sprays help in getting rid of your stinky breath, tea on the other hand allows you to eliminate bad breath for good. Over time, the stinky breath will soon disappear and will continue to be gone as you pick up a regular tea habit.
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Managing High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure isn’t just common among the elderly and overweight. In Singapore, 24% of people aged between 30 and 69 years have hypertension according to a survey in 2004.
Risk Factors and Symptoms
There is no known cause for high blood pressure or hypertension. But there is a combination of factors that can increase the likelihood of developing the condition. The risk also increases with age or if the person has other medical conditions. Obese, smokers, heavy drinkers and people with sedentary lifestyles are more likely to have hypertension.
Blood pressure has two factors. It is the pressure created from the heart when it pumps blood and the force on the arteries in between the heart beats. Normal blood pressure, regardless of sex and ethnicity, should be below 120/80 mm Hg. The unit mm Hg, or millimeters of mercury, refers to the unit of barometric or air pressure. A reading with high blood pressure begins at 140/90 mm Hg.
Sometimes the person doesn’t know that he/she is hypertensive. For those who experience symptoms of hypertension, these include headache, nausea, fatigue, difficulty breathing, chest pain and palpitations.
How to Do a Reading
When reading your body’s blood pressure, the measurement taken is the pressure of the blood on the walls of the arteries, the vessels that carry blood away from the heart to different parts of the body.
Reading blood pressure is easy and fast. It can be done manually or electronically. The reading results in two numbers usually written with one on top of the other. The number on top is called the systolic blood pressure, while the one at the bottom is called diastolic. Systolic is the pressure caused by the heartbeat. Diastolic is the pressure in between the heart beats.
Maintaining Your Blood Pressure
If you experience any of the symptoms, you need to consult a doctor right away. The doctor will perform several checks such as blood and urine tests to determine your fasting lipids, glucose level and electrolytes; electrocardiogram or ECG reading; and chest X-ray. Next, you will be prescribed medicine to keep your blood pressure manageable. It could be beta-blockers, diuretics, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin II receptor blockers or angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.
Your doctor will advise you to lose or maintain your weight. Your body mass index should not be more than 25 kg/m2. Your diet should consist of less fat, salt and sugar. He/she will give you instructions about your target levels for blood pressure, LDL cholesterol and fasting blood glucose. LDL cholesterol refers to the bad cholesterol, which if uncontrolled, can block blood vessels. You might have to limit your intake of alcohol and consider quitting smoking. Follow instructions on when and how much medication you should take. Never self-medicate or take other medications, including herbal supplements, without consulting a doctor. If not treated, hypertension can lead to heart diseases, stroke, and kidney failure.
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Actions to Take for Severe Bleeding
If you witnessed severe bleeding in your house or workplace, it is important that you know what to do. You have to act immediately because every second counts. Unfortunately, not all Singaporeans know what to do at the sight of gushing blood. You have to learn it because you do not know when it will come in handy.
The good news is that here in Singapore there are basic trainings on first aid from certified organizations. There, you will learn how to dislodge a foreign object from the windpipe (when choking) to addressing severe bleeding. But in the case of severe bleeding, here are few refreshers:
- Remove obstruction: In severe bleeding cases, the first thing that you have to do is to remove any obvious obstructions (like debris, dirt or clothing). If there is an object lodged deeply on the victim’s body, do not attempt to remove it – you might cause more harm than good. Your primary goal here is to stop the bleeding not get embedded objects. If there are protective gloves around, wear it.
- Discontinue the bleeding: If you are not alone, have someone look for a sterile bandage. If it is not available, at least locate a clean cloth and then put it on the wound. Pressure is crucial when you bind the wound so do it tightly. After wrapping the wound with clean cloth, secure it using adhesive tape. If tape is not available, you will have to wait until the bleeding stops. Do not leave it – use your hands. The critical part is you should raise the wounded part just above the heart level.
- Let the person lie down: The wounded person should be in lying position. This is done to prevent the loss of the victim’s body heat. It is strongly recommended that you raise the legs of the victim.
- Do not remove the cloth or bandage: If it is severe, most likely the blood will seep through the cloth or bandage. When you notice this, do not attempt to remove the layer. You just have to add another cloth layer on top of it. Maintain the pressing or pressure. If you have tourniquets around and you are trained how to do it, it can help a lot.
- Restrain the injured part after the bleeding stopped: It is important that you restrain the injured part after you notice the bleeding has stopped. This is to ensure than the affected area will not suffer more strain. After that, you can bring the victim to the emergency room.
When you see severe bleeding, it is important to be calm and think immediately.
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How to Deal with Post-Meal Belly Bloat
Remember that feeling of finishing a sumptuous meal? You feel happy and satisfied never mind what will happen after. You won’t feel anything except joy for few hours but when you face the mirror, you will come to regret eating that sumptuous meal. You are suffering from post-food belly bloat. Many Singaporeans hates this. It is true that being bloated sucks.
Bloating can affect you in many ways. For example, it can ruin a special occasion because you are wearing something that you do not like but for the sake of hiding the bloat, you wear something else. It will annoy you and make you uncomfortable because you know you do not look your best.
How you wish to puff it the instant you recognize it but that is not that easy. The good news is that there are certain hacks that you can do to minimize that annoying and unpleasant post-food belly bloat. Here are some:
- Do not overeat. The basic thing that you have to keep in mind is that you will not bloat if you do not overeat. If you are conscious about your belly bloat then eat in moderation. Remember that eating more will make you look more bloated. If you already feel full, do not force yourself to finish the plate. If you want to finish everything on your plate, best trick is to eat and chew slow. When you eat fast, there is a tendency that you swallow more air that will result to more gas retention.
- Decrease your portion. Another thing to consider is decreasing your portion. When things are very delicious, you tend to put everything on your plate. That is not the right thing to do. The temptation is always there. You have to be steady and keep calm. You will eat up everything at once but where is the fun? Aside from consuming more gas, you are depriving yourself of having a good time. A good food takes time – about 30 minutes.
- Skip the salt. Salt gives additional flavour. No wonder it makes everything extra delicious but you have to skip it. Aside from the plethora of health issues it carry, it can also encourage water retention. Water retention will surely make you feel bloated.
- Enlist friendly bacteria. You need loads of friendly bacteria. If you can buy probiotic yoghurt, buy it and consume it every morning. Good bacteria is helpful because it can facilitate movement of food in your stomach which can curb bloating. If you do not like yoghurt, you can ask your doctor for other alternatives.
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On Set Bedtime Routine: Grown-ups Should Also Observe It
Sleep is a very important aspect in one’s growth and development. It is your body’s way of recuperating and restoring the energy needed for the next day’s use therefore it should not be ignored no matter what. Many Singaporeans think that only kids need sleeping and so adults set a bedtime routine. Parents enforce a strict bedtime routine for the children.
When the night falls, children already know the drill – sleep at around 8 or 9PM, lights out and no gadgets. Children have no choice but to follow the set bedtime routine. Unfortunately, it is an entirely different scenario for adults. Adults think that they are above the routine – no set sleeping time and continuous scrolling on social media not to mention Netflix addiction and unplanned pub hopping.
When you are an adult, there are many things that you should do – work related or not, and before you know it, it is already 3AM. By this time, you are already panicking because you have work at 9AM. How much sleep will you get? Then you resort to frantically counting the sheep over your mind in the hopes that you will sleep soon. Sometimes you even curse yourself for getting distracted.
If this is a problem, you have to train yourself maintaining the same bedtime as well as waking time every day. It gives adults a good chance of accomplishing quality and revitalizing sleep. How can you set a bedtime routine? Well, you have to know the basics first.
For sure you heard about circadian rhythm (or often referred as body clock). This is the body’s natural cycle that efficiently regulate all physiological processes. Sleep is mainly controlled by circadian rhythm. There are four stages of your sleep cycle. Stages 1 and 2 are the lightest stage (you can easily be awaken), Stage 3 is deeper (you are now hard to wake) and Stage 4 is called Rapid Eye Movement where you dream. Fewer sleeping time will lead to sleep deprivation.
It is time that you know the benefits of set bedtime routine. For one it can improve emotional wellbeing plus it can enhance cognitive function. If you slept well, it can in fact have a positive impact on your relationships. When you lack sleep, notice that you are not your normal self because you tend to experience poor mood, low energy and surge irritability leading to poor performance or productivity.
Now, how will you set your bedtime routine? It is not like you are going to ask your parents to enforce it to you once again. You are a grown person so you have the power to change your life. The first thing that you can do is to set a night time alarm. It will let you know when your body will get ready for sleep.